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Our coffees are chosen to meet a high standard for flavor and sustainability. Located in the Sumner Valley of Washington State, Kabaty Coffee is a small batch specialty roaster.  Because we roast when you order, we can assure that your coffee will arrive at your door at its peak of freshness. We invite you to explore the rich diversity of coffees, as well as their stories, in the selection below.

Are you a cafe, restaurant, or coffee business looking for a wholesale supplier? Let's talk! 

$18.00 per 12 oz bag

Sumatra Mandheling

Cupping Notes: Apple, Orange, Toffee
Arabica coffee production is focused in the highlands of Nor...
$18.00 per 12 oz bag

Trail Angel Blend

Cupping notes: Dark chocolate, honey roasted peanut, berry, mild citrus, brown sugar, full body, ...
$19.00 per 12 oz bag

Guatemala Monja Blanca

Cupping Notes: chocolate, brown sugar, caramel, grapefruit, present acidity, medium body
Monja B...
$18.00 per 12 oz bag

Ethiopia Guji Kercha, Guracho

Cupping Notes: Blackberry, vanilla, lime, ginger, peach, and floral flavors with a bright, juicy ...
$19.00 per 12 oz bag

Costa Rica Santa Elena

Cupping Notes:  Mild intensity overall with softer fruit tones and notes of caramel, honey, and a...
$17.00 per 12 oz bag

Ardys French Roast

Cupping Notes: Smokey, Dark Chocolate, Licorice
 Our darkest coffee roast is named for my mother-...
$18.00 per 12 oz bag

Mount Peak Espresso

Cupping Notes: Caramel, Berry, Honey 
Our Signature espresso blend is named for the wooded peak i...
$17.00 per 12 oz bag

The Market Blend

Cupping Notes: Dark chocolate, roasted hazelnut, rich, full body, and soft acidity
This special b...
$17.00 per 12 oz bag

Colombia Huila Monserrate

Cupping Notes: apple, hazelnut, chocolate, brown sugar, overall nutty and brown sugar flavors wi...

Cupping Notes:  chocolate, apple, berry, citrus, brown sugar, medium acidity, medium body, nice d...
$19.00 per 12 oz bag

Uganda Bukonzo Owemba

Cupping Notes: chocolate, berry, lemon, medium acidity and medium body.
This fully washed coffee ...
$18.00 per 12 oz bag

Guatemala Tikal

Cupping Notes: dark chocolate, brown sugar, red apple, berry, lively acidity.

Guatemalans call t...
$19.00 per 12 oz bag

Espresso Decaf

Cupping Notes: Chocolate, caramel, natural fruit.Swiss Water® Process Decaf
With our Espresso Ble...

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