Our story
My first cup of coffee was the result of my mother giving me an old drip machine and a can of Folgers for my apartment when I was a fledgling adult. I think it was a right of passage to possess such a machine. That first can of coffee lasted me 2 years, no joke, and I never considered that it might have exceeded its shelf life. It wasn’t until I discovered a local coffee shop with espresso machines that I discovered just how flavorful a cup of coffee could be. It became somewhat of an infatuation, and I needed to be able to produce these wonderful tastes in my own home.
I purchased and graduated through various forms of coffee extraction equipment and grinders. I also became very particular about the beans I purchased. I was partial to the darker roasts in the beginning, but my tastes evolved as I was exposed to the complexity of the bean. My passion for coffee, and creating the perfect cup followed me in all my adventures of my adult life. I was an international teacher, and our family lived in Saudi Arabia, Sumatra, Poland and the UAE. I felt it was my mission to share my knowledge of coffee, just how good it could be, and it’s ability to bring people into community with others. While living in Dubai, I bought my first home roasting machine. It was a Gene Cafe, and thus began my real experimentation with roasting and how I can adjust different variables to bring out different tastes from a bean. I was a science, math, and technology teacher, and this was pure fun for me!

When we returned home to the United States in 2017, I knew that I wanted to retire from teaching and enter the world of coffee as a professional. Kabaty Coffee and the Mount Peak Roasting Company represents a continuation of my mission to share with the world the great and wonderful complexity of coffee. The path from bean to cup is labor intensive, and every step is critical to the quality of the product. The beans pass through many hands along the way, and those involved have families to support and want to provide a bright future for their children. At Kabaty, we work with importers that have relationships with the farmers. All of our coffees are traceable and have a story. We think it is wonderful for you to know that story and appreciate the efforts of those involved in bringing this coffee to your table.
We also recognize that we have a responsibility to our planet to engage in practices that are sustainable for the environment. Our Biotre bags are largely compostable, and the research continues on how to make them even better without compromising their function. As our Kabaty story continues, we pledge to continue our efforts to provide the very best coffee while not compromising our ethics with regards to sustainability. We welcome your feedback on what you like and dislike in our coffee, and we challenge you to try different beans from around the world and learn the stories behind them.