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New, fun pattern in limited supply! Lots of uses! This pattern is a Unikat patterns, signed by ...

10 oz Unikat Bubble Mug, signed by the artist. Polish pottery keeps your drinks warm and your han...

Large bubble mug with a big, comfortable handle. Fun fall pattern! 
Certified Bolesławiec Polis...

Most popular shape and size, 10oz Bubble Mug!
Certified Bolesławiec Polish Pottery, Handmade in P...

10 oz Unikat Bubble Mug, signed by the artist. Stunning! 
Polish pottery keeps your drinks warm a...

10 oz Unikat Bubble Mug, signed by the artist. Polish pottery keeps your drinks warm and your han...

Most popular shape and size, 10oz Bubble Mug!
Certified Bolesławiec Polish Pottery, Handmade in P...

Certified Bolesławiec Polish Pottery, Handmade in Poland.
Maker: Kalich
Unikat 685 Blue Meadow

10 oz mug, signed by the artist.
Certified Bolesławiec Polish Pottery, Handmade in Poland.

10 oz mug in one of our newest patterns, Peahen. Signed by the artist.
Certified Bolesławiec Poli...

10 oz mug, signed by the artist.
Certified Bolesławiec Polish Pottery, Handmade in Poland.

10 oz mug, signed by the artist.
Certified Bolesławiec Polish Pottery, Handmade in Poland.

10 oz mug, signed by the artist.
Certified Bolesławiec Polish Pottery, Handmade in Poland.

New pattern! Let these sunflowers fill your cup. Unikat cup, signed by the artist.
Certified Bole...

Certified Bolesławiec Polish Pottery, Handmade in Poland.
Maker: Fajans Wloclawek
Pattern: Flowe...

Set of 3 small planters with 11" base and holes in bottom of pots for drainage. Certified Bolesł...

Set of 3 small planters with 11" base and holes in bottom of pots for drainage. Certified Bolesł...

Polish Pottery tea brewing mug with spoon. This 4 piece set includes mug, infuser, lid, and sauce...

Wrap your hands around our warm bubble mugs. Polish pottery keeps your drinks warm and your hand...

One of the oldest and most traditional patterns of Polish pottery. 
Certified Bolesławiec Polish...

Turquoise and blues. Rare geometric pattern. Polish pottery keeps your drinks warm and your hand...

Polish pottery keeps your drinks warm and your hands happy. Traditional Peacock pattern!

In a beautiful Unikat pattern, our 12 oz bubble mugs are the perfect size for an Americano from ...

In a beautiful Unikat pattern, our 12 oz bubble mugs are the perfect size for an Americano from ...

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